- sodium fluosilicate
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English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
sodium fluosilicate — n a crystalline salt Na2SiF6 used as an insecticide called also sodium silicofluoride * * * s. silicofluoride … Medical dictionary
sodium fluosilicate — noun : a crystalline salt Na2SiF6 used chiefly as a laundry sour, as an insecticide, and in ceramics … Useful english dictionary
sodium silicofluoride — n SODIUM FLUOSILICATE * * * a compound added to water to produce 0.7 to 1 part per million of fluorine, to prevent dental caries, and also used in insecticides. Called also s. fluosilicate … Medical dictionary
fluosilicate — fluo·sil·i·cate .flü ə sil ə .kāt, sil i kət n a salt of fluosilicic acid called also silicofluoride see SODIUM FLUOSILICATE … Medical dictionary
sodium silicofluoride — noun : sodium fluosilicate … Useful english dictionary
sodium — A metallic element, atomic no. 11, atomic wt. 22.989768; an alkali metal oxidizing readily in air or water; its salts are found in natural biologic systems and are extensively used in medicine and industry. The s. ion is the most plentiful… … Medical dictionary
silicofluoride — A compound of silicon and fluorine with another element. * * * sil·i·co·flu·o·ride .sil i kō flu̇( ə)r .īd n FLUOSILICATE see SODIUM FLUOSILICATE * * * sil·i … Medical dictionary
Opposition to water fluoridation — refers to activism against the fluoridation of public water supplies. The controversy occurs mainly in English speaking countries, as Continental Europe does not practice water fluoridation, although some continental countries fluoridate salt.… … Wikipedia
malladrite — məˈläˌdrīt, ˈmaləˌd noun ( s) Etymology: Italian, from Alessandro Malladra died 1944 Italian geologist + Italian ite : a sodium fluosilicate Na2SiF6 occurring in minute hexagonal crystals in fumaroles in the crater of Vesuvius near Naples in… … Useful english dictionary
BÉRYLLIUM — Le béryllium est l’élément chimique métallique de symbole Be et de numéro atomique 4. C’est un métal gris, léger (1,85 g/cm3), qui rappelle, par certaines de ses propriétés, le magnésium et surtout l’aluminium. Bien que le béryl et ses variétés… … Encyclopédie Universelle
POTASSIUM — Le potassium, troisième élément de ce groupe, possède les propriétés caractéristiques des métaux alcalins. Il a été découvert en 1807 par Humphry Davy lors de la réduction électrolytique de la potasse caustique fondue (KOH). Son symbole chimique… … Encyclopédie Universelle